Surakshit Ghar - Safe houses

Neighborhood houses for fragile children in Jaipur and Mumbai, India. 

Partner: SGGT - Friends in need. Director Sharmista Singha RoyPartner: Sos Infanzia nel Mondo - Chandigarh. Director Gagan P. Singh

Shelters for children in Jaipur  and Mumbai 
@ Incredible India

OPM Waldesians Partner in our Surakshit Ghar project


We protect them since 1999 in different parts of the world. We grant their rights to receive a proper  instruction and stay safe

In this organization there is people totally dedicated to fragile children, since 1999. We support children in need in different parts of the world. Nowadays we are running projects in Italy, Kosovo, South Africa and India.

In Africa  we are on the field with some projects that allow children not to be stranded on roads. Our Association  has decided and pledged to be on the children's side and bring relief to all the children of the neighborhood. This is the Surakshit Ghar project, Safe Houses, carried on in Jaipur and Mumbai.

In Jaipur our Center helps and teach more than 60 children and most of their mothers. In Mumbai they are 25 that daily receive food and health services.

Our shelters are open 7/7 days per week. Our Staff takes care of all the children with love.

In an ideal world, every child receive love and cares from everyone. The reality is very far from this lovely picture. It doesn't happen.

SOS INFANZIA NEL MONDO is pledged to give help, cares and rights to the children that it can reach.

Help us to reach more children, please don't leave us alone.  

If you want to help us with our indian brothers, sisters and children, please do it at the following Bank account

European code (IBAN)  
IT23Y 08327 03200 00000 0041258 

Name of the Bank :  Banca Credito Cooperativo  

Agency number 9 in Rome,  Italy


or Donate via Paypal

Location of our Shelter/House

+919874075002 Sharmista S. Roy.